Saturday, June 24, 2023

Act of Creating Artwork 2 the Sound of SWV

Illustration belongs to “CT” (@ctchrysler_)

There is an individual in the company with the same playlist but with a few more tracks on wax cylinder, recorded when these tracks were new.  that has challenged 2O & 7FX2’s artists 2 come up with a similar image with the playlist. 

Sugonada Wasaq Veresogki is a Sugondese musician who has involved themself in the Hip Hop scene in the US &A. This has ruffled feathers in Sugon & neiboring countries. The name translates 2 “Sugon’s floppiest writer of musical composings”

The striking thing is that SWV has similar roots 2 G3, hailing from unlisted countries & becoming known in another 4 their music. Both their music style is Xperimental & they both hide their faces.


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