the 20th century is a conspiracy pt. 2 - bars test
The intention of this transcript is a satire & zero offence is intended.
next is a vision of 19th century living with c21 emerging technologies.
the 20th century is a conspiracy x3
the world was born in twenty-01
The old world DUPPY by 1899
eri1 was dreamin & drugged unconscious
by beasts of the dark, & revenants in
eri1 was drugged up by monsters & goons
the heavens penetrated, the lord replaced with idols.
the 20th century is a conspiracy
made by goons that live in an abyss
the 20th century is made up hoax
“post-war” yutes were mashed up by the devil
the 19th is live
21st is home
the place I live last changed in the 1800s
ongle thing is the energy source the renewable type
we’ve an autonomous car that looks like a horse drawn carriage
we 3d print our gear in the style of c-19
we ne’er lisn radio
or records or cd’s
that stuf is wet
we do cylinders & ting
we ain’t do tv
cā datz brainwashed sum neeks
we live like the 19TH century
but wit 21st tech improvements
Choo beefin the 20th cent’ry cā dat ting is poo.
Swordz n skengz we roll, big nukes that’s Q’t
we dash from horse bear handz our tool mashet that the final ting
Frozen in time 4 a hundred years . Other bladz them poof
[echo last line]
the 20th century is a conspiracy
world wars nuttin, jets r massive piles of cack
the 20th century is made up hoax
TV has enslaved dem fassy from their D.OB
processed food is poison,
so we make our own meals
we ride in a self-driver with big 4-4’s & spinners
manz wi’the 3D printer get more gear than the rich
we wash them down with the mangle telegraph them fi se
the 20th century is a conspiracy
gal den neet cā datz the way it gān in 18
resurrect heaven, aafa dem man pierce it thru
come like BLAP & POOM
wen man run them Block & dash like PWSH
ur gleecraft’s bear moist
dat’s pop rock & jazz
Dem man chat bout hip hop
but we smoke dat 2
cā this type of sound is from 21 & 20th sounds r wet
& classic, March & folk & trad done crush owt the rest
the moon is a virgin
46 -64 kids r the devil
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