Friday, August 20, 2021

the 20th century is a ɔonspiraɔy

this article is best suited 4 viewers born after 2000
& better yet, born 2 parents born after 2001 & viewing this page after 2025, as 2000 is too recent in 2021.

we were born around 2014 , our parents were born in 1840
 & they witnessed…

the real world began in 1/1/2001
r.p.p. the old world . 1/1/0001-31/12/1899
everything we heard from 19xx, the inventions, the culture, the music
>>was all pure fiction
internet was around in the 1850s, that’s the reason it still exists

the world was in hibernation & we were living in darkness & obscurity

it would b impossible 4 the population 2 withstand the transition of 1999 to 2000
-this- was the time when dog-headed men & mutant beasts roamed the land.

the streets were empty , the longest quarantine 1900-2000

all the animals were at war & had taken over cities & civiliszations
the resource based economy where there was none.

the 20th century is a conspiracy
where the unmentioned beasts roam.
sounds of below the deepest depths of the ocean at midnight

this sight is of the deep & …

giant flying spiders & revenant vampires walked in those 100 years, 
in 2000, they put the fabricated story of c20 in place then disappeared in place.



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