Monday, December 28, 2020

The previous post was meant 2 have more information on but was deleted.

 “ free “203” (the 203rd decade) of ‘20 (COVID-20 & the commotion & troubles of 2020) 

With the unlocked DNA from the unnoticed energy blast & the exposure 2 the other realms repeating a 6000 year cycle the community has a chance 2 reinvent themselves despite the ultrapandemic & WW3 occurring  Quack scientists have predicted the things that might disappear & onti 2 expect at the beginning of the 203rd decade.

Aspects that could disappear:

-Emoji (except in Japan)

-Hashtags (except in IRC & C++)

-“cancerous memes”


-The sun

-The author’s sanity 

-The 4th wall

-The vaccine

-The “Karen” stereotype


-Internal combustion engines

-Flash Player

-The editor’s optimism

-Affordable items ( hence the fall of consumerism)

-Fresh air

-The concept of socialis/zing

-Face 2 face communication

& thing 2 expect


-Public indecency

-External combustion engines

-more wildfires

-increasing content

-Anti-European sentiment in the UK


-worldwide famine & loss of civilis/zation after the pandemic

With “Engineerin’ the 2020s” blasted 2 oblivion the 203rd decade is still a blank canvas , since the Great Conjunction & the 


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