Saturday, September 11, 2021

The world in 4004BC & B4

[This document may be unintentionally heretic 2 the Churches & certain parts of the religious community]

In Oct. 23 4004 BC, the earth is ſaid II B created in 7 days.
In the holy book (I.e. the Bible) most actions cover’d were in the Mediterranean, Anatolia & the Middle East & east Africa. 

This is a  speculation about the rest of the world. There may have been many other lands lost in the flood. & other people in other parts of the world, hence the different races. 

The possibility of there being civilis/zations developing at different times .

Many sites & artifacts may date much earlier than creation, as a force that might have effected intelligent civilizations , & an event meer catastrophic than the biblical flood (2368 BC) might have occurred then. then by the time of the creation, it was restored gradually, with the 2 main figures of Eden being among the first individuals with knowledge. At this point the young world may have been much less populated & there may have been meer variations in the weather.

The Kali Yuga calendar’s year 1 in the West is 3100 BC 
The Baedal  empire was established in 3898 BC
Meer unknown places such as Erv, Onkotonkoton & eypatis that hath been renamed & lost [perhaps in the flood] since. The scripture mentions mainly the Middle East & Eurasia, which gives opportunity II 


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