Saturday, July 25, 2020


JUL 26 2020>
A.07.04.01 NWH was tasked by the blue 2some II present a plan of a base 4 the WK II artisans armed with 3D printers that turned exhaust fumes & rainwater IN2 the material needed 2 construct the city. The result was something rivalling the “b+4 of the c+12” which is L+5. Originally populated by 300 & @ the time of this entry, 50000, it is said 2 B xtended in a.07.11 with passages & reserves 4 xisting bushman civilizations.
A.07.04.02 after disappearing IN2 the river NWH fell IN2 a massive hole, & found himself with the ǀiyekonnowūn on a spherical ship. They visited  various realms with names coinciding with imperial era names
A Yellow Sea which smelt of strong sulfur & ammonia is reported with a Brown Sky, with currents that make the ship travel faster or jump sometimes flying & diving IN2 a pitch black void where there were rows of carcasses & bones of unknown species, unfossilized, & the sound of superhuman screeching could be heard. 
Another world had land but it was a large garden with pink grass that also made1 float & fragrant trees with a tone coming from them that encouraged productivity & rest at the same time, the sky color was turquoise the sun & moon were up @ the same time but beyond the garden was unused megalithic & stone structures that had been abandoned. Murals & mosaics depicting advanced science & calligraphy in all of the Oriannic languages followed by scenes of  “WILD DOGS AT WAR” alongside orgasm scenes & exploding plants & imagery reminiscent of the document “The Weeb”. In between the murals was a doorway, a circular hall  with doorways that were portals IN2 other realms.
One which was full of fire & brimstone, with mountains visible, horns sounding under a black/gray sky  & among the magma was slime, bile & foul pus. Centurion-like creatures were whipping & boiling  a race of asexual figures with constantly burning heads & rotting flesh reforming & boiling off in the putrid conditions. The free rode chariots & automobile-like vehicles with wings placed diagonally, they were most likely nomads that lived in their “cars”. The free individuals & groups were entertained by the slaves that were being shot at by moles with guns for eyes & headless snakes/giant worms with tentacles oozing ink, oil, fire, semen & venom.
Another had a similar feel but had orange vegetation  & was inhabited by beings with various features, similar 2 this image
but with the head of a dog, a larger bottom & antennas above their eyes. They were scavengers & cannibals that could reach speeds of Mach 10 or more on foot but most of the time walked at a similar pace 2 the people on Fi (NWH’s home world) their speech was flatulence, burps, screeches, whinnies, snorts, barking & their eyes changing color. They were still civilised with their buildings being similar 2 those of Fi, a writing system which went in 3D, structures which were taller than komf’s “scyscrapers” usually of vain & evil, & most of them were scholars. Some wore clothing which is similar 2 Fi & they were intersexual with expandable breasts which they breathe with & large penises (usually kept upwards with a belt around waist) without a scrotum but instead a large anus, which spat flames sometimes. They greeted each other by flashing their underwear [knickers/bloomers/gstrings/none], & many of them wielded guns of 3 different sizes. There were many volcanoes & the occasional “city in the sky”, red bubbles rushed from the anthills & exploded IN2 heavy rain that was freezing & boiling at the same time, falling as if hailstones pelted down with the force of anvils. The insects were huge as in flies, & mosquitoes & flew in from unknown places, suddenly appearing with a deafening noise & smell.
The home of the IKW resembled a cross betwixt Khalifat, Myotasciyo & Zollech Fi & was highly advanced with flying gardens & everything in the previous worlds except 4 the giant insects, carcasses, slave torture & bodily fluids. The place nourished individuals thru the brain & metabolism was nonexistent, everyone was free of force labor, sin, death, & emotion by nature.
(a name so vile/obscene that it is alternatively  described as “the judgement”, “the crunch” or “the singularity”)
The final realm appeared 2 be a severely dried ground with cracks. That ground was black with blue light swarming from the cracks. A single hooded figure with knives 4 hands approached the three gesturing them 2come with them. They walked IN2 a space where they were teleported IN2 what appeared 2 B the moon & then Mars. The figure then removed the hood 2 reveal that they lacked a head. There was black smoke instead. They disappeared. They saw tracks in the road & decided 2 follow them &by that time they found a disused rover. The 3 slept by it.
The following day, the figure TP’d them 2 the hall with the portals & they dove IN2 a pond which returned them 2 the river.
A.07.11.21 NWH sees the complete cityscape of “O” from the island of Xollomor where he was alongside the ǀiyekonnowūn. 
A.07.11.22 The documents make their way 2 the Reiwa Institute. This article is written.
/In “Meiji” it rained a light diarrhea/urine-type substance at a high temperature (50degreesC) Underthe water some of the carcass mounds had cavities that were fossilised & inside was a series of neon-type lights of various colors. 
“Taisho” appears abandoned but utopian due 2 the bacterial & mole-like population being skilled.
In “Shōwa” the molten-faced population have an average lifespan of a week 2 3 months 4 The slaves. usually live 2 750 years. The slow painful death takes 2 days & includes deforming, burning up,& exploding violently IN2 the bile, pus & goo that reforms in2 a newborn with a similar personality. 2 repeat the life cycle.


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