Saturday, June 24, 2023

Act of Creating Artwork 2 the Sound of SWV

Illustration belongs to “CT” (@ctchrysler_)

There is an individual in the company with the same playlist but with a few more tracks on wax cylinder, recorded when these tracks were new.  that has challenged 2O & 7FX2’s artists 2 come up with a similar image with the playlist. 

Sugonada Wasaq Veresogki is a Sugondese musician who has involved themself in the Hip Hop scene in the US &A. This has ruffled feathers in Sugon & neiboring countries. The name translates 2 “Sugon’s floppiest writer of musical composings”

The striking thing is that SWV has similar roots 2 G3, hailing from unlisted countries & becoming known in another 4 their music. Both their music style is Xperimental & they both hide their faces.

Friday, June 23, 2023

1080p in a time of 625i

Sunday, June 11, 2023


[OFOXKOSM] рфы здфты ащк дфгтср гтше шт пдщкшщгы тфешщт ща Лфяфлрыефт.
Ершы вусшышщт цфы сщьу фаеук тщешсштпы ин зшкфеуы кфвшщ утергышфыеы ерфе ьфву егттпы штещ Фвтщкеуз
Црут ше дфгтср ше шы дшлудн цу цшдд судуикфеу ин вкштлштп а.р.г ФТВ РФМУ ВШЫСЩ ВФТСШТП ЗФКЕН ЕЩ лФЯФЛР ЬГЫШС + СШВТЩКЕУЗ ЗКУФСРШТП...