[disclaimer] Offence 2 naturally left handed individuals is unintended. Some left-handed people R good. The reference comes from the Day of Judgement where individuals recieve their record in their right hand if their balance of good deeds is heavy, otherwise the record is recieved in their left hand if their balance of good deeds is light.
between the years 0 & 500 years lasted much longer than the present
Pre-calendar period:
This was probably 4000 years B4 the year 0
Days lasted a million millennia
The Prototype era
Creation of the Universe
Birth of the One True G_d.
Birth of the 1st Generation of G_ds (Those Too Mighty to Worship)
Months lasted 4 a thousand years
Prototype Celestial Ecosystem (constellations, more of them existed at the time)
1st Great War of the G_ds in the Overworld
Some constellations had disappeared in the process
Creation of the Underworld (Some of the 1G retreated 2 the underworld as a new base 4 themselves)
Corruption of the Underworld by the 1TG, Appearance of the Jinn & the Devil, 2 Torment the Underworld
Birth of the 2nd Generation of G_ds (The Pantheons) in the Overworld
Thailand was created 543 years B4 the world itself
Nepal was created 487 years after Thailand.
Creation of the World: The Almighty built the world as a cosmic egg surrounded by a giant elevated garden in an uncorrupted part of the UW.
Months lasted 4 a century
1-50- The wilderness years when the entire world was wild.
20-60- Different species of animal begin 2 appear
43 Humans & biological robots appear as lightning strikes seeds. The population is destined 2 the right path.
55- founding of the “right hand” community
56- 1st organis/zed tribes appear (the 'kangdoms')
64- The Holy Cities were built (Jerusalem, Onkotonkoton, Atlantis)
70- Corruption of the World - Idolatry begins, evil is first seen
97- The African Continental Republic is established
111- The Finnish Empire is established.
110- The original DPRK (where Onkotonkoton is) is established...
120- ...but is then replaced with the Korean Empire.
125- Height of Finnish & Korean empires- Technological advancements were @ their highest, E.T. relations *xisted, & there was full equality & most services were free & unlimited in the two empires,
127-144- The Finno-Korean Hyperwar
135- The civilizations of Thamud & 'Ad were active @ this time.
144- The Tower of Babel was built
145- 1st Striking Calamity
146-156- [???] period, initial recovery after the Striking Blow
156-163- Phaetan period
163-170 The Centaurian Expansion: This lead 2 society as asvanced as in 1900 but it was resource-based but was still basic.
168-173- Progression movement of Mu
172-175- The Age of Atlantis-
126-210- Recovery period: Sumer & Egypt as well as ancient China formed in this period. Africa was reduced 2 the tribes & separate kingdoms that existed until the Left Hand Takeover.
168-191 The Construction of the Pyramids in Egypt.
172-??? Third Generation of G_ds (idols created by man), f.i. the golden calf was created c.207
210- The Flood
236- The classical periods (Phoenicians, taratarians, hittites, asf.)
@ this point a year lasts 30 months.
250- Founding of Greece
277- Founding of Rome...
289- ...which begins 2 expand alongside Greece.
300- many early settlements appear, first known art, the events of a similarly named film.
At this point kingdoms & states R fully established & laws of the 1TG had been laid B4 man would make their own. (left hand)
367- Ioadom or Nihon (Japan) has the recognis/zable state it is 2day
398- The Great Wall of China is completed.
400- 1st churches & moscs built, the "People of the Scripture" appear.
430- idols have the upper hand & independent laws appear in certain states.
450- literacy begins 2 increase
500- an electronic surge causes the dark ages
At This point, a year lasts 12 months.
622- 12 months became the fixed range 4 the length of a year. 11 month calendar which begins in 1 by this point is implemented in the Middle East since the founding of Islam.
622- The Qur'an & Bible R written & completed. The words of the 1TG can B known 2 the masses.
800- the development of Europe
900- The Middle East is enlightened
1095- The Crusades: Those in support of the Bible & the Qur'an R in conflict in the Holy Land.
1215- The Great Charter is written in order 2 give people freedom in their actions. It was signed by the English king unwillingly.
1347-50- A massive plague sweeps thru Europe
1436- The printing press is invented
14??- The theory that the Earth revolves around the Sun (which the Left Hand take 4 granted) is published
1492- Europe discovers the Americas 4 the most recent time (Celts, Vikings & Chin3se may have discover'd it previously)
Feudal period in parts of Eastern Asia
1457- The Ottoman Empire is established, taking over the Byzantine.
1600 England & Holland have become seafaring traders travelling across the World
1636- Japan closes its borders.
1650 The Age of Pirates:
16??- Gravity is discovered
1720 The Left Hand prevails as the Trans-atlantic S**** Trade is launched .
1772: Discovery of oxygen
1776- After the Revolutionary War took plase a year earlier, the United States is formed after Independence was established.
1789-93- Revolution takes place in France & royalty is overthrown...
1804-...though an Emperor takes over & attempts 2 take over their continent.
1800-1900- The Industrial Revolution: Steam power is (re)discovered alongside electricity. Factories, mass production, new forms of transport (the train, steam-powered cars, hot air balloons, airships) begin 2 appear
1834-The S**** trade is abolished (GB)
1849- A Gold Rush in the US causes expansion efforts.
1853- The US forces the Japanese borders open.
1863 Rapid transit railways
1865- The S**** trade is abolished (US)
1878-9- The lightbulb is invented
1890 - The Scramble: Europe begins 2 loot & take over Africa
1895- mass media becomes meer prevalent.
1900- THE RISING OF THE BEASTS : Left hand action at its height.
1903- Japan shuts its borders again.
1910-5 Many rainforests R burned down by various colonials,
1921- Aircraft flew 2 the height of the Tower of Babel then a surge occured
1922-30- The Blackness
1933- The British Empire had expanded so much that it has collapsed in on itself
1937 Other empires learn from the B.E's lesson.
1925-55- 2nd Industrial Revolution,
194?- "The Incident" in Korea splits it in half
1947 Uprising of the Natives: indigenous tribes R given guns by supporters of the RHC. The result saw the colonials flee & the colonies gain independence
1948- The DPRK is re-established.
1954- Environmental Concerns from the Right Hand Civilis/zation causes them 2 begin reforestation initiatives & sustainable energy projects
1958- The LHC hears of this & guns down the environmentalists, attacking the sanctuaries. This leads 2 an event known as The Firefight between the RHC & LHC.
1960- Inventions like the self-driving carriage, the TV, the automated , velomotives, self generating light, & electricity transmission, caused the technology bubble
1963- The actions of LHC & their corruption & wide-scale pollution causes poverty, slumps & a flood which is quarter way towards Biblical proportions...
1966- ...which means that many corporations, banks, & the money-based society end up failing & crashing in2 oblivion. A worldwide famine was felt by half the population...
1969- the RHC the upper hand, By this point, Reforestation projects, further technological advancement is achieved & many places R given refuge, relief & support on a mass scale.
1970-89- London becomes like the Wild West.
1974- the DPRK becomes like Atlantis but is also isolationist
1984- The majority of the African continent unites 1ce mor.
1991 - G. Britain becomes Isolationist, & neutral after the complete fall of the empire
1992-6- Freak storms occur as a final effect of the LHC's actions.
1998- 99% of the world is officially neutral & well-2-do
1999- Japan conditionally opens its borders
2000- The DPRK is blinded from the Almighty
2001- The Big Crunch : the LHC wages war on the RHC by developing & generating an electrical surge using the energy transmitter network.
2002-12- The Depression: Many live in squalor after the Big Crunch. The majority of the world at this point is ruled by private corporation(s)
2010- Various governments seem 2 B replacing the corporations in the majority of places but some still have the same intentions.
2012-20 The Conflict of the Hands, or The Final Battle occurs, betwixt LHC & RHC.
2015- Totorobento (The Trumpet Blast): The signs that the Striking Calamity & Judgement is coming soon.
2018-9- Wildfires in various ports of the world ( Australia, California, ND cathedral in Paris asf.)
2019- COVID-19 is sent down upon China, where is first becomes contagious
2020- C19 spreads across the world with a similar effect II 1347-50 with the Plague. Many were forcefully locked in their homes.
2021- The entry II this blog is compiled, COVID-20 appears. The Great World War (WW3) occurs & self burial is ordered II the public.
2023- COVID-21 is around & WW3 continues. Yellow fluid rains down heavily & the skies R red. Many burn in the corrosive liquid as COVID-21 symptoms continue 2 increace in mor graphic & unsightly ways.
2026 - The floods R on fire by this point & most of society has completely collapsed despite their determination. Conflict is at the highest known point till 2028
2029- The True Great Fire ( The Torch ): COVID-22 ongle symptom is depression, the entire world is on fire & is mostly uninhabitable. The society has been entirely obliterated & 99% of the survivors R reduced 2 dust & uprooted hollow carcasses. The Great Striking Blow finishes everything in a flash.
2030- Green atmosphere Period: Dust & debris occasionally falls down from the atmos. IV the first 3 years. By 2033 it is safe IV the last few living individuals 2 make their way 2 the surface. Lifestyle is primitive & basic at this point.
2044-50- The Frenzy: Wild promiscuity & f***ication takes place in some parts of the world, which have since been defined in a much different way than perivious ( by country, asf.)
2053-99- The New Civiliszations create their own new cultures & combine as 1
2071- a next generation Bible is written & the Cross of Gold chronicle is written .
2092-2100 Expeditions 2 the Poles & other parts of the world. As Xplorers make their way 2 the Antarctic wall, the skies turn purple as…
2100- Covid particles turn in2 Supernovae & rapture occurs shaking the new civiliszation 2 the core.
2110- Turkmenistan & other survivors of the pandemic that occurred 90 years ago decide 2 aid the affected world eventually.
2114-28- Barrows of COVID material violently explode which reveal previously buried signs & artefacts of the old civilization.
2117- the atmosphere returns 2 the colo(u)r blue, 2 mor recently born individuals this is confusing, but is the return 2 normality 4 those born B4 2019
2123- 10 Commandments return as the ongle international law, archaeology becomes a popular pastime after the hills of black soot collapse in on themselves but then met with the captured scenes of the horrors of the fate of the old civilizations.
2130s- Many obsession of preventing the actions of the old LHC since the discovery of it during the archaeology. Action is taken in a less violent version of the medieval way.
2160- Tech advances 2 1890s proportions but with a new found substance known as Redstone instead of coal or liquid fuels.
2222- The affected world reaches the level of advancement of the unaffected world.
2250- exploration beyond the poles & perhaps 2 the moon & the Red Planet is mastered, although it is considered haram 2 ‘pierce the heavens’ given this is what the civiliszations of the time of Babel & 1900-2000 were looking 2 do but got destroyed in the process with a close call in 2099.
2280-2340 many taboos broken but the good word still in regard,
2303- warp speed & teleportation (implemented in 2336) across the world make it possible 2 contact ET civiliszations & lands long lost 2 time previously.
2354- A massive flood half the size of the Great Flood takes over the same time lightning strikes an off-world power station (similar 2 in 2011 in Japan)
2358- Huge plants & creatures inhabit the world over time, the folk adapt 2 the new environment.
2365- Everything related 2 development & progress became static
2416 the deceased begin 2 walk among the living in part with technology. This worries some as the this is only meant 2 occur by the Day of Judgement/Reckoning.
2462- Another Striking Blow as all the big life forms R obliterated in an instance. This left the world resembling a large desert with acidic water.
2475-2498- A new unidentified race with Dragons rules over the world 4 a short time B4 another flood & plague hits them.
2520- Mass of Saving the population & Preventing a Striking Calamity
2545- Much meer diverse ecosystems & biomes reappear as the surviving civilization rebuild the atmosphere & the landscape with the high tech acquired over the centuries.
2600- Civilization returns with Middle Eastern style monuments & structures, In some places architecture is more East Asian looking.
2642-COVID-23 is theorized
2664-5 COVID-23 is contained shortly after a minor outbreak where notable plagues prior 2 COVIDs 19-22 had occurred.
2677- Some species from the 25th century return & tech advancements resume causing Finno-Korean levels of advancement throughout the 28th century,
2900- The Great Restoration- the world is rebuilt 2 it’s original plan & many Eden-like surrounding R created. Old settlements s/a Atlantis, the DPRK, a united Africa, Mu asf. were re-instated tho hath still technically existed since the 2030s-2300s.
3000- The Millennium Event: The United World is in eternal peace & the City of a Thousand Planets has a massive forcefields surrounding it. This prevented a massive assault by the Underworld as they’ve managed 2 break from the barrier that separated it from the Overworld & the main world itself
3001- The underworld desists with the attack but plans 2 charge in an unknown time.
*UNKNOWN YEAR(S) *This is when imam Mahdi (a.s.) returns, in the wake of Judgement, when singularity has been achieved. A time when mountains become like fluffed up wool, where the sky splits with the angels on each side, when the deceased become resurrected for a final reckoning, (where the records will B received) & after this the G_ds R at war once again
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