Saturday, July 3, 2021

mus3um of the h0me pt. 1


b4 the great fire in 1666ce, wood walls prominent candles, small windows. surrounded by simple hard wood furniture, 6 silver dishes rest over a huge fireplace
:many drank ale instead of water:
:the language was like shakespeare & the KJV bible:
:lots of these houses were made from timber/straw/& had a business on the ground floor:
:many of these existed until aldwych was regenerated in the early 20th century.:
1st english colony in america (1620)
japan closes its borders (1636)
Jacobean period (1603-??)

-music: folk music
-tech: printing presses

after the great fire/ lighter color scheme, larger windows , standard design, portraits visible, less candles
:many of these exist in spitalfields:
:many alterations due to fire safety concerns:
:earliest existing post-fire house was completed c.1668:
:the city recovered at a fast pace:
commonwealth (1647-60)
great fire (1666)
great plague (1665)
battle of the boyne (1668)
qing dynasty begins reign in china (1644)
folk & baroque

mirrors everywhere, more expensive items, richer color scheme, a clock, few exotic touches, red curtains
:exotic coz of the east india company which just took over india:
:imports included sugar, spices, materials:
:ettiquette is catching on:
:tho some stick with it, folk music is pushed aside as classical make it 2 the middle class:                                                                                   
*seen in covent garden                                                                                                                                  -events
england & scotland merge 2 create GB (1707)
development of the west end
st. pauls cathedral rebuilt (1708-10)
georgian era begins (1714)
original prime minister begins 1st term (1721)

wigs, tightpants (usully white) (M) wider dresses [F]
folk & classical

C H A P E L                                                       

wallpaper, redisigned parlo(u)r , more pictures, 
:the west end expanded during this time:
revolutions in france & haiti (1789/91)
us gains independence (1776)
1st hot air ballons active (1783)
oceania discovered (1788)

bright color jackets [M], laid back dresses [F]
folk & classical
early steam mills cause the industrial revolution later on.
smaller fireplace, blue color scheme large pictures, massive curtains, more imports, additional ornaments, carpet covers the room
france begins conquest of other places (180x)
battles of trafalgar & waterloo (1???, 1815)
the regency (1811-20)
1st industrial revolution (1788-c.1860)
latinamerican independence (1810)

folk has been given a facelift./later classical (romantic era)
steam locomotives & railways, photography,
a masonry, diverse & populated ornate inventory, overhead lighting, a huge mirror over the fireplace as pictures hang on brass/golden bars , bright red chairs & a piano r also visible.
:the display in the museum took lots of research, permissions & specialist crafts 2 create:

beginning of victorian era (1837)
parliament hq completed (185x)
the 1st great stink (1858)
sewage system installed (1859)
metropolitan railway opens (1863)
district railway opens, end of public executions (1868)
gold rush in california (1849)

stove pipe hats, flatpack hats, bonnets, frills, black boots, suits
waltz, ballet, later orchestral
elevators, sound recording, fax machines, telegraphs

a small parlor where various patterns cover the wallls in different levels. with many neatly placed pictures in some parts,  a single light hangs in the center of the ceiling.
great blizzard (nyc)
whitechapel murder cases ((1888)
invention of lightbulb (1878-9)
invention of the telephone (1876)
eruption of krakatoa, loudest recorded sound in history(1883) 
deep level tube service (1890)

stove pipe hats, flatpack hats, bonnets, frills, black boots, suits
lightbulbs, motors, cars,  telephones,  motion pictures,
large broad curtains, chairs & a 2tone color scheme a custom fireplace inspired by the east, electric light source can flood the alternative layout in strong light,
:the modernity is creeping in:
:houses begin 2 take different forms:
:though unseen in the room, africa was the next aesthetic interest:
edwardian era begins (1901)
wireless telegraph communication (1896)
all genders & races can vote (1898)
death penalty abolished (1900)

bowler hats, tweed suits, simpler dresses/two piece attire, 
march, ragtime, later orchestral
many electrical devices & appliances, aircraft, 

record players, radios, modernist streamlined furniture & art-deco in certain places, mostly painted light green
:the empire was so huge it exploded:
:norms of making like the aristocrats dimished:
:electric light has become abundant:

second industrial revolution (c.1925-55)
2nd great stink (1931)
big crunch/the collapse of the empire (1933)
extreme equality program in adnortep (1934)

reflective bright hues in dresses,  
“Electrical composition”, 

simpler designs, abstract artworks, inventive styles, alternative heat sources & a new device for viewing pictures called a "TV"
:as was with 1900, new cultures ( beyond the empire) were an inspiration:
technology bubble (1960)
native uprising (1947)
the firefight (1958)
the great flood (1963)

tight or broad  , compact suits with bright patterns alongside streamlined dresses, sometimes above knee length. triangular hats, 
return of folk, “electric composition”
TV, food processors, democratised flight, 

new materials, random shapes & colours, the entire house (kitchen, bedroom, main living space) in 1 room, a wide arched window which can b dimmed & a hidden gadgets & traps behind the minimalist but creative pictureframes.
reforestation program (1970)
culture restoration (1966)
successful gunpowder plot (1976)
mass shooting in westminster as a result (1977)
africa majority unites as 1 & becomes a nation. (1984)
isolationism in britain, which also becomes neutral (1991)*
*extreme equality comes 2 britain at the same time.
lightning & freak storms destroy the west end (1992)
discovery that the earth is a cosmic egg (1989)
90% of the world is peaceful (1998)
self-washing, air conditioned garments, wearable technology, headlights, headdresses, colored wigs, a nod II the previous eras. Leotards or bathing suits & stockings were also prominent…
ambient noise compositions, field recordings, white noise, frequency tones, 
driverless vehicles, hypersonic flight, food in ice pills, artificial people,  

the stereotypical attire of each era.
2020 & 2022 originate from the ‘blank canvas’ idea & 2030-2363 depict the Cross of Gold timeline (after the ultrapandemic of 2021-9)

from the previous post

1 of many concepts 4 the near/distant f*ture.

The museum actually exists at

136 Kingsland Rd, London E2 8EA
In the actual museum there would B a better understanding of the different 

 time periods & the items in the depicted  rooms.


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