Tuesday, June 30, 2020

engineerin’ the 203rd decade

2020 is still the 202nd decade.
The 203rd decade is a blank canvas
Let’s protect this decade.

Of Kwengins & Skengins

the moment he saw her, he was so seduced & attracted, his mind exploded with the force of a gigaton. 
she was wearing a massive hat over huge hair, perfume so pungent it made people’s noses invert... & she continuously flashed her panty & anus since there were holes.

effortlessly flatulatin’ loudly as she sped past upon a heavily customized kick scooter. unusual eye color, & head turning complexion & pigment.

that person is
the author.

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

the last ‘saurus’ II avoid extinction

nkutundi o igbusu

Q-  wotz man g0n do?
A- take pictures of the streets & pulbic places during l0ckdown.


Sunday, June 21, 2020


the sighte of nothingness,
unable II think, feel or mobilize
unable II speak or breathe
ongle the. sensation of festering, degrading, burning,
crying heavenly inside, like the loved ones shortly after ending up in this senaryo.
missing a time of socializing, interacting with, seein, smellin & feelin, objects & the environment, but being unable II doo so.
with the deepest regrets of the mere bygone several year chance of such an experience & the choices concieved then.

Monday, June 1, 2020

engineerin’ the 2020s?



Zero major reported terror attacks upon the public have occurred since the beginning of the decade.