Sunday, May 10, 2020

2019-nCoV & beyond...

Given the crackdown on various theories about COVID, this document may be proven II B fictional from mid-2021 onwards.
Archaeological finds in W8152 discovered in the 2120s (CoG timeline) display evidence of excessive virus-causing fornication dated II prior II the beginning of Reiwa.
First known mention of the disease
First cases in Wuhan, China. Individuals displayed symptoms of pneumonia. The state press hid the reports. The origin is thought II B the wet market in the main part of the city. The same market closed in A.08.00.00
Throughout the monthe, scientists across the world scramble II research,identify & classify the infectiuous disease as what will B known as COVID-19 or 2019-nCoV alternatively.
Chinese New Year celebrations in PRC halted due II the new virus, which spreads across Asia & later Europe & the Americas.
First fatality 
A.08.00.23 (jan. 24)
8.2 (mar.)
W.H.O. recognizes the virus as a “global pandemic”
COVID19 cases worldwide reach 1000000

3.29 (apr. 30)

The health authorities has mentioned 100 possible vaccines II B used II combat the virus

4.16(may. 17)

WW3 begins though nothing is occurring.

4.5(may. 6)

Swaziland, Turkmenistan & the DPRK have remained untouched by Corona , Greenland & Papua New Guinea have completely recovered without any fatalities.

8.5.8 [09/06/2020]
New Zealand has recovered from the plague, the last victim of such recovered.

8.6.3 [04/06/2020]

11 million reported cases worldwide

8.7.11 [11/08/2020]
Over 20 million cases worldwide, DPRK thought II have its first C-19 case, 5M in the U.S.


The crisis destroys the livelihood of graduation-level students, with WW3 taking place less than a year earlier, the class of  2019 were the last II successfully enrol in-II university.

8.7.2x [03/08/2020]
25 million cases worldwide.



33.3 million cases , >1000000 fatalities counted by western media.


37 million cases


PRC has a vaccine being sent across 1 province so far.


40 million cases this week


CommercialiZed Xmas cancelled in major NYC dept. store [the final Xmas until rediscovery by post-Covid tribes was in 2019]

Meer businesses Services & traditions that have survived barbarities, market crashes & world wars have gone bust in A_08 solely & it will increase until the entire economy & civilis/zation is crushed under the impact of COVIDs 20 & 21


W8152 is solely populated with under-18s after the entire over-18 population was driven II extinction or evacuation.

50m cases?

A month-long lockdown across England drags the LK & DK community in-II darkness. The most vulnerable may B forced II bury themselves Schools & universities will stay open


A major drugs firm creates a variety that is said II cure 90% of ‘19 symptoms.


2 existing vaccines exist.


The US approve of vaccines….


...which R deployed & circulating.



Additionally, more grim realities were discovered about the  post-Covid affected world, for instance evolution & extreme brutality in the mid-late 21st century, similar II the Vikings & many of the aggressive primate species in the wild. Almost 2 million cases in the “UK” & still nobody has recovered.


Preparation IV WWIII & C20-22 increases after headlines.



9.3.16 [17/04/2021]
last sole COVID-19 case is reverted bringing an end II the pandemic
*may have taken place in Africa of the US.

9.3.28 [29/04/2021]
Covid20 becomes contagious & begins II spread.

Symptoms described from simply breathing in intoxicated air included ‘manflu’ all of the virus’s symptoms appearing within an hour, explosive diarrhea so aggressive it could lead 2 the displacement or expulsion of the organs, gangrene, blood reaches boiling temperature, inflammation & congealment of the skin. As 4 the revenants, they will B the reanimated bodies of wild animals, most likely those from Wuhan & beyond, they will also include insects. The souls/minds controlling the bodies of the beasts will be those of the Yokaï. They feast upon well being of those with the virus or excrete a boiling fluid & gas in jets of fast winds that will make the infections worse. Spontaneous combustion becomes mor of a possibility.

9.4.0 [1/5/21]
*more like a black hole. The media calls this “Corona2” & the effects R 104 times as worse as in A.08 with COVID-19. The earth itself is completely intoxicated...except 4 Wakanda, GWK city, since extended & Fourstate.Elsewhere everyone is buried beforehand.All of the businesses have gone out of business, the stock markets R at minus-level  This time the cases in the highest affected country shoot up 2 first place with around 50 million cases & 12,800,000 deaths. The second has 25 million cases.
9.4.1 [02/05/21]
The volcanoes have erupted @ the same time, wildfires rock 90% of woodlands & forests in the world, those that recently  recovered explode & nuclear explosions appear.
9.4.2 [03/05/21]
WWIII action occurs after 1 year of nothing
The first action is ʰ-bomb explosions on large cities.
9.4.3 [04/05/21]
The sun disappears. Again.
9.4.4 [05/05/21]
The ghosts & revenants of the victims  of COVID-19 begin on a rampage that possesses communities 2 commit suicide & heinous acts against themselves.
9.5 [06/2021]
Cambridge Analytica re-emerges with mor SM campaigns that rip the world apart. By this point in !oykang, the T1921 & B1892 R at war with each other. Families R being forced II betray each other & the devils & jinn alongside covid20 infect the remainder.
9.10 (11/2021)
first COVID-21 cases from W8152
A.0A (2022)
Scenes similar II the Crusades & the Black Death combined as prolapsed corpses fill the streets which smell of every obscenity imaginable. Toilet paper has been outof production IV a year. Hand sanitizer supplies have run dry & the economy has completely collapsed in on itetelf dividing by zero. This causes financial centers worldwide II explode as if it were a terrorist attack. The health authorities becomes like the Axis forces committing war atrocities similar II the Nanjing massacre, the Pearl Harbor attacks & the holocaust, despite originally intending II protect the public.
*medics were overflowing with cases II deal with & as many died in their hands & some nurses were infected, which turned the scales&  turned them in2 murderers & pillagers later becoming a corrupt militant force , some governments R overthrown & the existing armed forces R still exist but became dormant after the health authorities took all the power. 
03/01/2022 the first life lost II smallpox, one of the symptoms of COVID-21 in over 40 years.

2023 A.0B
It rains  bodily fluids & acid. the abandoned bodies have rotted & continue 2 pile up. Losing their minds, people R forced II eat their own excrement & drink their own urine. By the end of the year, it has flooded with liquid corona (this is a mutation of the virus as opposed II the beverage)  &life is about II go extinct… except IV W1111 & those with XMIST & flood-proof walls. the hidden UK (defeated the infected aggressors) has survived & has less cases than the media said, 5 thousand as opposed II 5 quintillion. ******& have backfired in-II oblivion.
2024 A.0C
The Islamic State re-emerges, but is neutral, unaffected by COVID-21 & this time, avoids the act of terrorism as it once practiced 10 years prior.
In B.8 (09/2024) the flood us on fire turning most of the world in II a giant torch.

2025 A.0D
The earth appears brown from above & although it is a myth, global warming prevails its true force as temperatures reach 150F

2026 A.0E
The height of WW3 & of the COVID-21 ultrapandemic. The cityscapes 98% worldwide is a brown fluid-submerged one with mountains of carcasses beneath. The US has been uninhabited IV 2 years, entering its 250th anniversary of independence without any celebration.

The scientists have lost funding as their research is crushed in the conflict.
2027 A.0F
All the remnants of major governments & the UN collapse due II COVID-21. New symptoms meant that collective scientific knowledge has been lost & pure insanity, mindlessness & ignorance follows. decillion cases?

2028 A.10
COVID-22 replaces its aggressive plague predecessor. In total there were ongle 1300 deaths from it. This was as harmful as the common cold. Though it has mental symptoms including suicidal depression.

12/2028 The fire flooding suddenly rages II full force
2029 A.11
28/02/2029 Like with WWII, having nuked Hiroshima & Nagasaki, a whale & a dolphin (or a chicken & a cow) annihilate T1511 & a few places in the U0011 as well as obliviateng the caliphate...again, with something close II the doomsday device. The COVID-22 cases R resolved. the world population is in the thousands.apart from the usual survivors.
The infested congealed, foul, pestilential burning floods blow off in-II a vapor. Everywhere used x-mist generators in the end, & as 

The sky was illuminated in a blinding light IV 9 months.
Civilization has bict lost. Ingested but regergitated none. A million of each humanoid race upon this Realm is in existence & they R another element in the ecosystem. Remnants of The previous civilization which ruled up until 2020 R in ruins,  the ancient equivalent is unharmed by the cataclysm already being in said ruins. Literacy level is 0% & inds act as if they were prymates. Almost every mammal has B-come extinct. The ground is full of filth & remains of undecomposed carcasses, ash, rubble & stumps., the oldest trees survive the ‘20s impact. Every1 is vegan by this point.
The new stone age hath arryved with art being mor prominent in rocks. Paintings & murals can B sict across the ruins. The subject is usually swirls, polygons & handprints of spittle. Speech is in grunts & clothing hath dis developed. Plants began II grow, the seas,once black begin II turn grey. The most unaffected begin II collect remnants of the “modern civilization” in II hidden archives. 1 local archive is the then currently being re-stored “ark” building in Ikbra (Hammersmith) & another place slightly nearby. It is still haunted by ghosts & reiyred revenants II this nkoi
First uses of metall, tho less popular, writing systems R still under development &from 2066 II 2092, when the said writing system is completed & adopted by the various settlements, is known as the golden age of post corona art.
New buildings appear II B created from mudstone & scrap metal which is in abundance

Writing is introduced & the result is the Reiwa ǀIye language but with a runic alphabet. The sky continues II appear green & central London is conquered by the growing LK settlement. The ruins R respected in awe. Metal is mor widely used. Laws R still sict as humbug.

2100-2117 is known as the “purple sky era” due II the decay of the ghost corona particles in the air. A slightly relaxed version of The 10 commandments R re-introduced & that is the ongle main law. A register of the settlements is created by the resurfaced Skeng Institute (in action sduring the ultra-plague & WW3 & onwards but underground until then)World peace kept & society is beginning II form in-II what it was as it was during the high age of thought in ancient times. Everyone spoke the same language.
The sky & sea have bcome blue 1ce mor.
This is an age of obsession of & protection from witchcraft, demonic spirits, black practices, & ghosts of the old civilization.
A population is traumatized by said civilization after entire hordes of artifacts, culture, memorabilia & some preserved skeletons in clothing were discovered in casual archaeological sessions worldwide. Many shielded & armed their homes in fear that the spirits & revenants of the previous civilization will come & convert or haunt them. A few years later mechanical engineering was adopted by many as there was less fear than with electronics, plastics, wireless telecommunications & synthetic materials, as it sixted otherworldly & impossible II recreate. Music & art, mainly from betwixt the dates of 1920-2020, is especially sixt as evil & heretical especially as subjects began II break taboos (f.x. S**, profanity, obscenities, vices, asf,) they took this as a lesson II remain as pure as possible. Celebrities R much disliked, Modern academia is sict as a corruption full of barriers & fallacies & Consumerism & xploitation of resources R sict as horrendous  & base, low & putrid  sin.

“The 1890s on steroids & acid”
This is where electricity lights up the restored streets among the ruins whilst trains, re-invented, R beginning II enter service after 140 years. Businesses begin II increase in size, but limit themselves IV pay as equal as possible
Most of society which is modernized II jet-age proportions still has the 2130s beliefs upon the 20TH & early 21st century pop culture & media.
2222 electronics & IT mastered, A service larger, mor conscise & free than the Internet is launched
The main diet is virtual.

2250 interplanetary space missions begin, as mor data (mainly intellectual & technical) is processed than in betwixt 1970 & 2020. 
A famous Mars rover is revived after being buried in the dust IV over 200 years of inactivity

2252 is the furthest information we hath grasped @ this poynt.

Wardenclyffe-style energy transmitters begin II appear. 

2281 (estimate)
Moon & Mars missions R commonplace. Sports return after 260 years but II much controversy.

Warp speed is possible & ET races R eventually discovered
Pop-culture seeps in, though every person is given equal credit & most media is based upon historical & religious events with (all praise II G_d). 

The cities resemble the innards of a computer as everything flows at speed & upon pure energy.

A massive corruption in the skies caused by an meltdown from an off-world power station near a a natural vent created during the 2020s events which had been struck by lightning. The redstone & the other materials created by the COVID viruses & too much power can cause the freak occurance of nature acting strange, in this case, a SARS-3 pandemic, extreme growth of new trees plants & bugs.
The quick response is building homes inside of the trees as well as using available natural resources responsibly during this new Carboniferous age.
It rains heavily & the place floods frequently, over 3 generations many adapt an ability II dive, swim & keep their breath underwater IV up II 30 minutes

The deceased can walk among the living as brains of the former R attached II computer unit. This was so controversial over 1.5 centuries that it was shelved IV the time being.
Teleportation becomes a widely available mode of transport.
There is another violent thunderstorm that strikes down the NC trees & sets them alight. This causes xtinction & a 3rd case of the age of obscurity in the World of Birth.
Huge swamplands & carcasses of ash cover the landscape of the world. The sun also disappears IV about 30 years.
Some normality returns but there R huge sandstorms that will later cover the swamps in sand & dust.
A union of planets & other intergalactic entities.
There is a 10-year long worldwide mass IV destruction of the previous civilization of evil.
The landscapes R beginning II look mor diverse
Flat earth is proven II B fact despite the interplanetary travel over the past 380 years.

The year 2600 is probably the limit here. 

By this point Sumerian-style cityscapes appear. The ideology appears II B a mix of Communism & Democracy & like B4 (2030-2462) it is another resource-based economy with ongle the 10 commandments being the law.
Knowledge has also developed II the 25th century level.

2642- The uncountagious COVID-23 virus is detected
2664 COVID-23 is feared after 22 years of discovery

2665- The virus is contained. Only 99 individuals were infected & all recovered.This was in London,1000 years after the Great Plague in 1665 in the same place.

2677- Another EM surge occurs causing an explosion of new species, the”saurs” return & genders disappear.

2706- the worldwide energy network is restored, causing more data II B produced then was possible in 2019 & 2353 combined.

2800s The cities resemble a giant supercomputers 1ce more & in different shapes & colors. A “city of 1000 planets” is also under construction as well as artificial stars.

Reclaimed land II the point where the world is fully unified & was 1ce the way it was an tremendously long time ago.

The world is diverse in culture, technical advance levels, & 100% tolerance 2wards each other. A map is coming soon.


notable facts

WW3 was indeed the war II end all wars.

The surviving parts of the world went in-II a voluntary dark age IV the other part of civilization II develop II their level of advancement. The caliphate actually visits & helps them II nurture themselves b4 & since the turn of the 22ND century.

historical & ancient structures & life forms were immune II the destruction caused by the Corona apocalypse.

People have numbers instead of names

Basic arithmetic was skipped when advancing II infinite energy & space travel

It was believed that archaeological finds of the 2020s or prior were placed there by Yokaï that previously inhabited the world but left excreting all over it.

The most fearsome find was the incomplete covid vaccines as they were thought II b the extinct Jinn attempting II play G_d.

Mud huts appeared in 2042 around Fulham , west london & the idea spread from there.

Art skills in the late 21st century were considered the height of intellect.

New species of plant & insects developed after 2030. The whales & dolphins still exist & there is a tree that spews redstone which is used II generate electricity. Humans also appear slightly different.

Plastic puzzles the craftspeople e’en in the 26th century when various new materials had bict developed since.

The flying vehicles prevailing in the 23rd century resemble creatures from the Cambrian explosion. Prior II this the 2160s resembled the turn of the 20TH century in the city  streets & technology.

Pop music is seen as ritual hymns that increase the evil & corruption of the old civilization. In 2130 & in 2590.

Acceptable music predating 2030 includes hymns, nasheeds, Gregorian chants, instrumental, orchestral, classical pieces, field recordings, harsh noise, & music genres found in the bottom of the “iceberg tiers of obscurity”.

E’en the c****a empire failed @ destroying the activity in the main

Betwixt 2352 &2456 the sky was once again green as an electronic surge made 1 side of the world act in a strange way. as plants grew II extensive sizes making this period known as the New Carboniferous Period. people became primitive & huge & so did the bugs. This is also known as the 24th & One Half Century given the time this occurred.

The 2547 description may hath originated with the C24.5 event

Money is non-existant since 2027

Unaffected parts of the world halted their advancements until the affected world caught up in 2210. Events such as the Dubai World Expo 2020 were held in 2220 instead (as of 10/2020 it is expected IV 2021)

There was a holocaust during the 2024 US election as COVID-21 is used as a biological weapon against certain voters by unknown individuals. The situation of 2024 is shrouded in far more controversy than in 2016.

China was unaffected by Covid-20 & 21 & '19 cases were less than 90,000 until 2028, being up II 94,271 in 11/2029.

Majority of the world is barren, human population in Europe & the US was extinct till explorers came across the continent in 2098, but then the sky turned pink & that was seen as an omen that the explorers hath sinned against the high forces & they abandoned the landmasses.

The Gregorian calendar survives the apocalypse & since 2039 it was widely believed that the world was created in the year 0 (01/01/0000) in which the land was geometrically designed (like 4.5 billion years prior) with luscious high gardens & where plants & other life forms that had since gone extinct were visible & was inhabited by immortal divine beings in which 1 survived after An apocalyptic event similar II 2020-9 which took place in the year 333 leading II the Civilisation of the Right Hand ( the pre-industrialised, pre-globalist world where G_d was revered much more) until it was taken over bythe Civilisation of the Left Hand which was controlled by entities such as the Illuminati which is still mentioned beyond 2030 & was prominent by 1910. World War I was believed II have been b-twixt the Left hand & Right hand civilisations & WWII as well with the LH civilisation victorious. Islam is recognis/zed as emerging in 622 given the calendar. ISIS/ISIL by 2100 were depicted as martyrs & fallen heroes that could have avenged the RH civilis/zation, albeit an entirely Muslim civilis/zation, having been clueless about the hatred & digust against the group & the caliphate formed in the West (in the LH civilis/zation) at the time of its existance.

Until 2124, it was unknown about the events of the world betwixt 333 & 2029.
Japanese language is one of the few surviving languages from the old civilis/zations & is the most used since 2090, mainly due II the Far East controlling the virus with more success than other places. Korean is as popular given exemplary results in combatting the COVIDs.

Fashion & technology advanced at a higher speed than previously.

The first individual born beyond the Antarctic ice wall was in 2261, on the moon was in 2278, on Mars was in 2309, on Venus was in 2318, on Mercury was in 2336 & on the Sun was in 2342.

There were revolts against pre-2030 sporting events betwixt the 2150s & the 2280s as they were seen as idolatry, especially the Olympic Games.

BCE dates ( prior II the year 1 CE) were accepted by 2215, tho there was strong support against the theories @ 1st. In fact is was later believed that the years 0-1000 were much longer if evidence of activity from over 2200 years ago is indefinitely proven.

The human body in the affected world evolved over the Green Sky period. & begin II resemble this

-The UK never recovered & survivors still carried the virus as late as 2100

Here is a video from an external source.


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