Thursday, June 27, 2024

Sunday, June 23, 2024

mus3um 0f th3 h0me pt.3

 in 1878, a townhouse occupied by travelling Indian ayahs, which is interacive...

1913 sees a Jewish tenement flat which smells of "lokshen" soup

in c.1956 it features an Irish family home

The 1970s front room upgrades by 2 years (this time it becomes 1978), with different wallpaper & extended scenic experiences

c.2005 an LGBTQ+ 3-way bond occupies a high-rise ex-council flat

The 2024 display will feature as a 1st generation Vietnamese-British family lives in what is likely similar 2 the 1998 display (still feels like a contemporary time, a high enough point in progress)

The "Future Rooms" part imagines the living enviroment by 2049 according 2 the environmental & social situations that might persist. (Considerin' the ways of the world despite the absence of Covid, the 2050 scene could B the 1 that prevails. ->?