Thursday, June 27, 2024

Sunday, June 23, 2024

mus3um 0f th3 h0me pt.3


in 1878, a townhouse occupied by travelling Indian ayahs, which is interacive...

1913 sees a Jewish tenement flat which smells of "lokshen" soup

in c.1956 it features an upstairs room in a newlywed Irish immigrant couple's family home

The 1970s front room upgrades by 2 years (this time it becomes 1978), with different wallpaper & extended scenic experiences. The scenario is that the West Indian family is center'd round the TV 4 the premiere of an experimental soap opera with a cast & crew predominantly of colo(u)r, (which would ultimately become redundant & vanish shortly after, 10+ years later, sitcoms in that fashion would prove a better success.)

c.2005 an LGBTQ+ 3-way bond occupies a high-rise ex-council flat. Despite the private landlord's rules the trio still decided 2 pint the walls. Interactive parts include a workstation logged on 2 the internet of the time, there R many clubbing & alternate orientation & other cultral references visible unlike prior 2 A.09/2021

The 2024 display will feature as a 1st generation Vietnamese-British family lives in what is likely similar 2 the 1998 display (still feels like a contemporary time, a high enough point in progress)

It looks like a downgrade from 26 years prior but this is likely due 2 the background of these places.


The "Future Rooms" part imagines the living enviroment by 2049 according 2 the environmental & social situations that might persist. (Considerin' the ways of the world despite the absence of Covid, the 2050 scene could B the 1 that prevails. ->?

Panels of mycelium on the wall 4 insulation, also possible 2 relive past memories in VR

-The high-rise flat in 2005 is probably the room from 1998 especially with he same colors on the wall.

In 2049 it features a "converted flat". A country dubbed "New Kent" is establish'd & joins the EU.

The makeovers were criticized 4 erasing native straight white Christian (Protestant) English family history from 1878 onwards while B4 this mentions of exploitation & appropriaation thru imperialism & colonialism bin shoehorn'd in place (1745-1830)

2050 & beyond in response saw a level 78921 sigma's nift, a half-bionic ape & their partner identifying as a 3-eyed dog amused by the events of WW3 on a holographic device in a capsule-type unit in 2072, a converted abandoned prison cell inhabited by lab-born Martian & metaverse-born reanimated headless corpse fleeing a second Protectorate in the 2130s, a massive o**y frensy ritual between ultra h**ny space mutants takes place in an artificial cave in 2234, & the replica Garden City property in 2287 where a Giant Metal Slug livestreams $erself on an informative workation in Lemuria with family while at home simultaneously, 2312 sees an expat from Soviet Russia, who is lived in by their house & in 2361 a previously cryrogrnically frozen disgruntled individual returns 2 his familiar-looking preserved 263 Y-O loft-style apartment after a visit 2 a museum displaying period rooms across the past 3000 jigoseconds,distressed by the fact it has remodeled itself without any references 2 ordinary, pure humans, animals, plants & robots since 2100. The images, TBC...

1000 1630 1695 1745 1780 1790 1830 1870 1878 1880 1890 1910 1913 1935 1956 1965 1976 1978 1998 2005 2021 2024 2030 2049 2050 2067 2072 2085 2099 2110 2135 2133 2165 2225 2234 2250 2287 2308 2312 2345 2361