Thursday, December 30, 2021


The material in this post discusses theories of COVID which may prove unfathomable for many relatable services. Offense is unintended in this text.

[Satire & fiction if proven otherwise by The accepted timeline of the delta, lambda & omicron variants of COVID-19 without 20 or 21 in sight, the result of vaccine rollouts & supplies used after 2021/01/01 & research & support by scientists & medics, which diverted the timeline, but The Final Battle may still occur soon…]

 In this timeline, the vaccine rollout was axed as leadership of the health organizations was re-organized.

As 4 those whose immune system is worthy

Their refuge will be bliss

but 4 those whose immune system is otherwise

Their refuge will be an abyss

But B4 this it was Dec 31, 2021 when it was found the COVID-20 had updated 2 COVID-21.

This is the point where the Great World War is at its height.

Many health authorities had collapsed from the overflow of patients & shortage of staff due 2 isolation. Some of them become militarized due 2 the resistance ideology states forming.

The Crescent Union, a neutral ideology using the exclusive X-mist substance emitted by a genetically modified plant. The substance can cause immunity from diseases like COVID.

THE Gwangdyeong federation fights against the corrupted health authorities.

Fifth Giant Republic- semi-neutral but against vaccines & lockdown as X-mist is used there as well. Deeply religious like the Crescent Union.

United Turf Confederacy/ United Turf Republic- The urban gang turfs unite in the fight against the viral pandemic in their own style.

Theannacia or “the 90’s kids”. Named 4 their knowledge of lesser known events in history, the practice uses alternative methods of vaccination & immunity. Obeah & voodoo is practiced a lot there.

Rectum Empowerment Movement - inactive in most zones it is a cult with the strangest habits & is on the campaign against the disease as well.

The war will B between the majority of these groups & it gets violent at speed.  Side effects of COVID-21 include:

Vomiting fire &. feces uncontrollably then blood & a black substance resembling coal* then fainting in the magma diarrhea.

Temperature so high there is Boiling of bodily fluids

Ex-plosive sonic coughing

Disfigurement of the face




Insane impulses (carried from covid-20)

Electrocuted by nervous system

Neuron short circuiting 


sleep paralysis

I slept with the megaphone on 










The entire neiborhood woz awake & learned 2 become nocturnal

Wednesday, December 22, 2021

mus3um of the h0me pt. 2

1000, just emerged from caves , decidied 2 live in houses
A central hearth is surrounded by multi-functional furniture made from wood & straw
this is at the museum of london in the barbican zone.

1630 when it was tough but free
info in pt. 1
Upon reopening, a large rug covers the small window.

1695, stronger & fitter
info in pt. 1

1745 - for own the world, develop barriers in society
info in pt. 1

1780- 66 years earlier the museum building was completed as an almshouse complex
this is an example of the original almshouse interior.

1790- society is tight but expandin
info in pt. 1

1830 -  then there were chimneys with smoke filling the landscape.
info in pt. 1

1870- things R available & more abundant
info in pt. 1
redesigned when the museum reopened.

1890 - patterns r life
info in pt. 1

1910- world is fascin8ing
info in pt. 1
dated 1915 when the museum reopened.

1935- str8 lines & curves makes faster build times
info in pt. 1
was 1937 & a crate was added when the museum reopened.

1965 when culture is wild & the world is @ war with itself , a battle of good & evil.
info in pt. 1

1970/1976 - the museum reopened with a "front room" with african-caribbean inspired artifacts & decoration in place of the 1965 display.
info in pt. 1

1998 when the world is freed & at peace
info in pt. 1

These concepts unavailable in the actual museum R concepts based upon the Cross of Gold prophecy.

In 2021, the more vicious Covid 20 virus is replacing Covid-19. this has meant everything closing down & lifestyle based on pure sure survival while under extreme lockdown almost 2 the point of self-burial. Sarcastic Propagand posters fill the room all created at home where the public will have 2 spend 8 years constantly.

in 2050 where life is at the same stage as 750
Civilization has reset to zero which means instead of a carbon-negative smart house with A.I integrated as X-pected, The pre-medieval roundhouse has returned.
Primitive furniture & ditches can B seen, with a hearth usually in the center of the space.

In this time, minimal furniture & perhaps a scroll & a cabinet is seen & a home in London is similar 2 an traditional example in Japan -instead of chairs people were seated upon their knees with a huge sense of art & creativity. Metal was rediscovered which meant crafting was large activity as well as mining given the hills of hardened soot from the Covid aftermath. Society resembles the Middle Ages (c.750-1400)

In 2110 there is a fascination with the altering hue of the atmosphere which caused experimentation such as this house with a fireplace in the centre betwixt the windows.
During a time of archaeology & superstition central heating was re-introduced & along with the blue skies, the home begins 2 resemble the examples in the late 20th century.
As substances such as Redstone became bountiful, the home became more complex & productive & suitable 4 any lockdown that is feared given the “Striking Calamity” that could occur @ any time as the virus was discovered since . Architectural design sometimes reflected the surviving remains of the Old Civilization. The seats above the radiator & the cupboard disguised as a fireplace reflect the creativity & ingenuity of the post-Covid world.

The style of 1965 is revived by 2190 as information technology 


The redesigned 1870 display. The window faces the other way while the space has a different wallpaper &  ceiling


Monday, December 13, 2021

Act of Replacing Water with Vodka

 YGBJKJBvhflbhktnlthinkrghier;gjrnkglrbjkv fdbhvmn vcnmbdfvgirngleirgrnk lvdfvmflksdvjsdifgwebgbjvsbylvedgviewgfbhvjvhjsdwenfgvuvndfm v nmdf bhdfk vdfjknfdm ,bjks fbkfdj fnmvbjhsdfjvn bsfjkvbdf vbjsdksvfjv.dkfjbjkd.fbsjkbsdflsd fjbkndfvjkd.fbjkdfbnsdfknb.jk



we drink from the toilet

our leader is a headless corpse

pisc still cures c0vid







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