[satire, if proven otherwise, offence isn’t intended, this is only a possible scenario]

The Great Bug!
Onti di The Great Bug?
Onti fu maka wanwan sabi The Great Bug
The 10 Year Plan
What is An insight 2 The 10 Year Plan
The Corruption of A_08 (2020)
Wherefore is 2020 unfathomable ?
It is an act of punishment 4 the evil of the past 100 years, also a test, & a competition 2 uncover the Fittest of Folk.
They chose 2020 as the year 4 carnage & devastation., a time 2 cause uproar, scandal, panic & social engineering.
This is the plan, the plandemic, from fornication 2 lab experiments 2 infection 2 world domination thru suffering, death, destruction.Henchmen were called 2 do something 2 cause the A.08 racial riots despite there being racial equality & fair reward.
They were called in 2 spread the plague & hide individuals from the Great Solar Event.
As The Great Bug mutates & evolves in-2 its final form.
Expulsion of boweils
Burning of the eye sockets
Coughing of fire & smoke & blood.Lava diarrhoea from the anus
This is the road 2 the Striking Calamity.

The yellow flood will wash thru cities & civilis/zations as the wrongful causes R defended
It is said from an extremist source that “The vaccine after 5 years will turn people blind & rot their insides b4 exploding as dust”
The rivers of blood rush thru the submerged streets.
The reason many R being ordered 2 stay home then 2 bury themselves is 2 install their plan of full control with 0 tolerance of dissent.
Whilst failing themselves as they freeze, thaw, burn & boil & swell in their own blindness.
That that Bug would get the better of them,
With the thought that their drug could make it wane & disappear,
But otherwise backfiring in their face in their meaningless conflict of corrupted minds.
Thus birthing upon a new reinvented world.
Inherited by only the righteous, finding their way independently
Under a sickly green sky.
Where Redstone grows on trees
& the torches remain alight for an eternity
& the water is impossible 2 contamin8
Indeed metals will B sent down
It is unknown where the souls of the previous civilization went.
In a lofty paradise
Or in the abyss, the fiercely burning fire.
Those that have abstained from evil acts,the ones that have performed the same acts as the Prophets [pbuta]
The individuals which stayed loyal 2 the tradition of the churches, the high culture whilst displaying compassion 4 the less fortunate,
Those that have rejected pop culture, cults , those that have read books of praise & have recited at least 1ce.
With the belief & view of that green atmosphere (since the opening of the Craic of Oforoque, A.06.07.20), the light hills of a worldwide unified culture & power, that of the Almighty
The civilization of the right hand, whose good deeds weighed heavy, have achieved the bliss & salvation in the afterlife & were spared destruction in their lands.
There, the garden is high & of Itinuous life, with the fruit bearing low. & in unlimited supply.
Whilst those that cursed , swore, & recited the viceful evil verses of pop culture
Those that watch TV [esp. streaming services] 4 their sole entertainment
The ones that live in pure luxury without noticing thos of less wealth.
Those that covet others haemorrhaging greed, becoming corrupt as their idols
Those that believe in piercing the heavens with their phallic fire excreting carriages & revealing a blue ball filled with corruption & foul deeds, like those of the civilization of the left hand.
Will surely face the Striking Blow firsthand, evaporating in the black boiling flood, which will explode, crushing everything IN2 powder, scrappage, uprooted carcasses charred & infested in the bowels of the Final Form of the Great Bug. This Great Bug is what was sent down upon the earth 10 years earlier. 1st upon Whovia , then China, then the rest of the world. The afterlife of the Civilization of the left hand is indeed the most unbearable.
Substances hotter & more painful than fire, only seen in the underworld, eternal torture & torment . Enslaved without reward & melting & vaporizing IN2 the foul nostrils of the zealous onlookers.
Ongle 2 B regurgitated 2 repeat the cycle.
The Great Bug was sent down 4 a reason . This is the time 2 repent & stay safe if 1 can.
The skies will burn IN2 bloodshot red, as the key workers become savages & cannibalistic as the this bug ruptures their causes of saving lives, hospitality & recovery. The one who wrote verses like this after the Crash of Ages managed 2 open their 3rd eye , developed flight & a knowledge greater than any library or institution. Seeing over the new earth & the Overworld.
As 4 The one that took the message but was performing the perverted art of watching ‘anime’ in the afterlife, saw the same paradise but prior to this had his head bent over as acidic potions were force fed in 2 his mouth, burning off the insides of their vocal tract , then was castrated with their nable penetrated as the severed organ was thrusted IN2 the anus & sealed in there leading 2 a painful constipation which will mean defecation from the mouth in large packages. That will also burn like a fuse in the body causing severely damaged body parts. The same treatment plus being implied with an electric rod in the fiercest lightning strike, went 4 the one that dismissed these texts as a mockery. This is the reason 4 the great bug. A test of survival & fitness & belief. The media’s name 4 it, “Co***a” is Latin 4 ‘crown’ implying this is the ruler of all bugs, plagues & pestilence.
This occurred with Thamūd, ‘ād, Sodom, Gomorrah, & the Tower of Babel & the flood. Throughout the world there R survivors whilst others perish under their misery.
Those that have survived in 2030 will surely see a great improvement in lifestyles.